
Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Challenge at OUAS!

I'm a few days late getting the new challenge posted for OnceUponASketch. I apologize for that, you need to go check it out! Here's what's on the blog and a little about it:

Hi everyone! Today brings us a new challenge here at Once Upon A..Sketch but it is also a day to say goodbye to some of our Designers. April 1st will be 1 year since I decided to start this challenge blog, and most of our Designers have been here all this time. Originally, this would have been the time to have a Design Team changeover, DT calls, etc etc but due to some personal issues, I asked this wonderful team some time last year if they would all stay on past the first year as this was supposed to have been a difficult time for me to start a new term with a new Design Team. They all agreed of course, to stay as long as I would have needed them, but ...things did not go to plan for me and so I asked the Design Team members to feel free to move on from Once Upon A..sketch. The majority has decided to stay but for 3 members, their time at Once Upon A..Sketch ends this month. 

I wish to thank Irma Peredne, Helen Tilbury and Vibeke Harila for their outstanding contribution to Once Upon A...Sketch, for their dedication to me and this challenge blog, for their commenting and voting and overall "behind the scenes" stuff that goes on and takes lots and lots of time. I thank Irma for her Guest Designer Coordinator role , which helped me immensely this past year. I thank Helen for her wisdom ,  professionalism,  encouragement and support of me and Once Upon A..Sketch. Lastly I thank Vibeke, who was not with us for very long but in her short time provided much inspiration to all. I wish all 3 of you the very best and you will always be part of the Once Upon A...Sketch family. :)

For those that have been asking for a while..I will let you in on some thinking I have been doing regarding a new Design Team. At this point, there will be a Design Team call in May some time and the new Design Team will start in July 1st. :)

With all that said..I quickly want to tell you of 1 more change that will take place. This is the last time we have a challenge in the middle of the month. From April 1st, our challenges will be monthly. That means only 1 challenge at month, which will be revealed on the 1st of each month. This saddens me as I know lots of you look forward to our challenges, but it is simply a time issue. Life for me has changes somewhat this year and I am guessing it will only get busier so instead of driving my self mad and giving all this up for good I am slowing down a little bit and I do indeed plan to one day soon have fortnightly or even weekly sketches up again, but right now 1 challenge a month is what I can manage. There is a LOT of stuff that needs to be done to run this blog properly and how I want to, so I really do not want to let any of you down by doing half hearted work here. other little change is that you need to link up your entries to the BOTTOM of the post now and not the right hand side of the blog. It was getting a little crowded there and this way we can view the links bigger and better :)

So, lets have a look at the new challenge. 

March 15th Challenge

Journalling Criteria:   Finish this line "I miss...". 
 Tell us about someone you are missing right now and why. Your journalling can be as long or as little as you like, but we want to hear all about someone you are missing!

Ideas for journalling: missing time alone with your partner, missing your old self, missing your children because they are off to school, university or living away from you, missing your children being young, missing a friend you have not seen in a while, someone in another country, someone that has passed away, a mentor whose advice you could use, a relative you wish you lived closer to, someone you regret having an argument with, missing a pet

Remember that you are allowed to also create a card or altered project based on this sketch and theme and instead of the journalling criteria you need to use a quote. 
YOU MUST combine our journalling criteria with this sketch..

Make sure to go to the blog to see the design team and wonderful guest designers projects for this challenge! And check out the awesome prizes too!!! Please come play!

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