
Monday, February 27, 2012

Some Exciting news and old favorites

I know I've been neglecting my blog for the past couple of weeks, but I've been creating, just things that I couldn't share. Well, I can share part of it finally. Tomorrow on HSN they are debuting National Craft Month. One of the products that will be shown during the month is Picture That Sound. Well, I have 2 projects that will be on, probably for a nano second, but I'm excited!!! They will show more on March 6th!!!

Since I haven't posted any projects I thought I would share some old favorites from a while back. Some pages I just go back too, something about the photos or the colors, just something. This first one was done with BoBunny and their MamaRazzi line, this was one of my favorite of all collections from them!

This one was more BoBunny, using thier line made for my good friend "Gabrielle"! I love the softness and colors in this collection!
This is another MamaRazzi page!!!! Love the masculine feel to these papers!!!
And a really old one, it's BoBunny too!!!
I'll be back to post my latest page for the new challenge at OnceUponASketch in a couple of days also!!! Thanks to everyone who drops by! I appreciate it!


  1. wow! These are all fantastic! Cant believe you havent shown them before. :) HOW exciting your layouts will be on TV. Can you show us online somehow? Its awesome! well done :_)

  2. I dont mind that these are old layouts, i have enjoyed looking at them... beautiful...

  3. So exciting Patti!!! You know I LOVE seeing any los you post, as they are ALL GORGEOUS!

  4. Wow! These are just fab! Love everything you've created!

  5. So great work!! Loved the Gabrielle-LO....
    Wish you a nice evening :-)

  6. Congrats that ur LO's r going to b on TV! Very exciting! Luv all ur 'old' LO's

  7. Just gorgeous as always Patti, love everything about these! Congrats on your tv spot and your new worldwin possie too, just signed myself up to their blog xox
