
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sweet Summer!

I'm in a major scrap funk! My style is dated and stale!!!! My mojo has left the building. What can I do? Well, under the urging of a good friend I challenged myself to do something "different". Different for me anyway and this is what I came up with. It's nothing special, I don't even really like it, but it pushed me for many reasons: I used colors that I normally would never use (yellow and red!), I usually am a put everything on the page kinda girl, but this has minimal accents and lots of white space (which happens to be red!) I even used a new technique (for me) I frayed ribbon and used them as the flower centers!!!! The one thing I do like about the page is the cute pic of Jenna and Sam!

Oh well, anyway, maybe my mojo will come back, I need it for the March kits from MyCreativeScrapbook!!!! So while I wish for "Sweet Summer" here in the Georgia snow, I'll try to push my limits and get more creative!
Please excuse the look of my blog, I'm trying to give it a new look also, and it's in progress!!!


  1. Oh! I like the bright, happy colors and the stitching! We all hit those slumps. MASSIVE slumps... trust me. And there are those times when we all start to question our own work. And it's so hard not to when we're surrounded by so many talented artists. But that's just it! We're all artists in our own right. Your work is awesome... and by stepping it up a notch and pushing your personal limits is only going to make it that much more awesome. You'll be a Supahstar!

  2. I agree with Julie! You are a Supahstar!! What an awesome l/o Patti!!...I'm loving the warm summery colours in this one!! and you got the minimalist style nailed down!! (Not sure what you mean about having no mojo, the work you turned in for the MCS February kits are out of this world GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!)

    ~Gabi xx

  3. Ditto! I think this is great, Patti! I love that you took your friend's advice and stepped outside your comfort zone...and proved you could do it well!

  4. Patti you are waaaayyy too hard on yourself! Your work is not dated or stale in any realm of the imagination! Stepping outside your comfort zone is good, but always stay true to yourself. I have to say I love the red and yellow combination.

  5. Patti... this looks awesome! I can COMPLETELY understand the slump.. I was in one myself! That being said... the last thing I think when I see your work is that your style is way! I love your style & am inspired when I see your work!!
